Restaurants in Burnsville top 5
19 Feb, 2024
Written By Noor Jafri
Burnsville is a city in Dakota County, Minnesota, United States.
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There are several different restaurants in Burnsville, Minnesota. These are the top 5 restaurants in Burnsville:
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5. "I NONNI"
This restaurant has a classy ambiance and serves real Italian food prepared with top-notch, freshly-sourced ingredients.
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4. "Mediterranean Cruise Café"
The food at this restaurant is inspired by Turkish, Greek, and Lebanese cuisine.
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3. "Jensen's Café"
In Burnsville, Jensen's Café is a well-liked location for brunch and breakfast.
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2. "Chianti Grill"
Chianti Grill is an excellent option if you're craving Italian food.
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1. "Baldy's BBQ"
With a menu that includes sandwiches, mac and cheese, coleslaw, and smoked meats, Baldy's BBQ provides a laid-back dining experience.
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